Sunday, March 29, 2009


I was asking that to myself on friday. There was nothing going on this weekend, and there was a WOOLAPALOOZA at Drumlin Farm ( It was 2 hours away in Massachussetts, so I decided to give it a try.
I knew there was going to be shearing, fiber arts vendors, and, of course, sheep (duh!). But I didn't know (although deeply hoped) if there was going to be fleece, fiber, or anything spinning/weaving related for sale. Well, there was none.

But it was fun. I would definitely recommend it to anyone that is thinking of having a farm (like me). About the fiber arts vendors, there were just about 5 vendors: The Green Mountain Spinnery, which was selling only knitted items; a lady that was selling angora (rabbitt) yarn; a gentleman that was selling wooden items (spindles, shawl pins, etc), another yarn vendor, and a jewelry vendor.

They also had a tent with activities for the children, where they had roving, pipe cleaners, beads, among others, so they could do "spiders"... In that same place, they had a bunch of other things, like a little table loom, and spindles for the "children" to play. I tried my hand at the loom, since I have one coming my way... Don't ask me how did it go :P I will just say that I need to practice.

I think someone who is thinking about starting on spinning or weaving would have been happy they could try it before hand.

Also, I caught hubby in fraganti:
He was very into this spinning demonstration. Inside me, I know he really would like to try his hand at it, but his mexican macho ego does not allow him... Some day honey, some day...

We also watched the shearing demonstration:

Yes, he is using SCISSORS!!! How crazy is that! I just couldn't believe it. So overall it was fun for all of us. So now, when you hear about a woolapalooza, you know what it is :)